A group of 12, led by Cantor Sufrin and John Solon, spent the week helping to build a home in New Orleans, still in need of housing 13 years post-Katrina. We worked with SBP, originally named the St. Bernard Project. SBP rebuilt homes for over 1500 families with some 180,000 volunteers in hurricane devastated areas.
Our first evening, we met with Zack Rosenburg who, with his wife, Liz McCartney, founded this non-profit in 2006, with a view toward shortening the time between disaster and recovery.
Most of us had little experience in drywall installation. Upon entering the home, all we saw were the bare wall studs and ceiling joists and a huge pile of sheetrock. With the help of two young AmeriCorps supervisors, we were shown the skills we would need to measure, cut and attach the sheetrock. Not intimidated by the electric drills, sharp blades, and other tools put in our hands, we remembered Cantor Sufrin’s prayer as we departed Logan Airport:
Our God and God of our ancestors, we pray that we may go and return in safety and good health. As we embark on work that is new for most of us, protect us from ourselves, especially those of us who are more adept at studying Torah than wielding a hammer…
We all made it—safe and sound; a bit tired and sore, but feeling the rewards of working together on a worthwhile project with new friendships formed and memories of some fantastic restaurants, jazz and more jazz, to say nothing of the beignets! By the end of our week, the house was fully drywalled, both ceilings and walls. We amazed ourselves by all we accomplished in a short time; each had the satisfied feeling that comes from doing good.
When you see another such trip being planned, don’t hesitate to sign up. Speak with any one of us about what to expect. As we departed New Orleans, we all seemed ready to take our new skills on to Puerto Rico.