Dear TBE Community,
Each year as we approach the Days of Awe, we are called upon to engage in Chesbon HaNefesh, a spiritual accounting, to cultivate gratitude for what we have, to practice teshuvah (repentance) so we may return to our best selves, and to set our intentions for the year to come.
Our tradition teaches that this sacred obligation is best accomplished in community. What better place than TBE to take up this holy task? As the Torah says: “How awe-inspiring is this place! This is none other than a Beit Elohim.”
Reflecting on the year that was—a heartbreaking one for Jews worldwide—I’m grateful for each of you. By bringing your unique gifts, perspectives, and interests to TBE, we have cared for one another in moments of need, celebrated life’s simchas together, and inspired each other to act in the world. In this time of great challenges, we need each other more than ever to find our paths to shalom.
Looking toward the High Holy Days in just a few weeks, there are so many ways to reflect, renew, and reengage with TBE and the world around us—and to do it together. I invite you to explore the opportunities that will be most meaningful for you.
May the year 5785 be one during which all our paths lead to shalom.
L’shanah tovah,
Danny Navisky, President