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About TBE

“How awe-inspiring is this place! This is none other than a beit Elohim.”

~ Genesis 28:17

Connecting to the wisdom and traditions of Judaism to live a meaningful life and shape a just world.

Our vision: All our paths lead to shalom.

Our Community

We come together from more than 40 towns and all stages of life to engage in a diversity of Jewish learning, activities, and pursuits. Discover ways you can get involved.

Our Leadership

Meet our clergy, staff, and lay leaders.

Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our aspiration of shalom is one of wholeness for each individual, our community, and our world.

Across generations, we share in learning (Torah), searching for the sacred (avodah), and engaging in acts of caring and healing (gemilut chasadim) to create wholeness, fulfillment, and peace (shalom) for ourselves, our community, Israel, and our world.

We embrace the diversity of needs and perspectives of our community members with the utmost respect.

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Reach Out

Susan Karon

Susan will be sure to connect
you to the right person.

Explore Membership

Thank you for your interest in the TBE Community. We are a diverse group united by our passion for spiritual growth, learning, caring for one another, and making the world a better place.

Please reach out so we can introduce you to our clergy, staff, and members.
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Our History & Building

TBE traces its roots to 1948, when twenty-two women formed a Jewish community in Wellesley. Fast forward to 2010, when we moved into our new synagogue, designed to build community and engage members in our core values of learning, spirituality, and social justice.
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TBE in the News

Read about an array of newsworthy initiatives.

Upcoming Events

[tribe_events_list category=”shabbat” limit=”5″]

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