L’Dor V’Dor Society
“I chose to join L’Dor V’Dor Society because I love TBE. It means so much in my life that my hope is that future generations will experience what I experience all year.”
Read more >>“I chose to join L’Dor V’Dor Society because I love TBE. It means so much in my life that my hope is that future generations will experience what I experience all year.”
Read more >>I repeat here how I began my d’var Torah: by expressing how much I dearly love this congregation that has given me so many opportunities to express my Jewish values.
Read more >>My mother, Ethel Dorfman Rosen, died on Yom Kippur September 20, 1980. My father, Samuel Rosen, died before I was born serving this country in World War II. My mother was a hero in a different way.
Read more >>A first miracle: In 1977, I spent hours with my uncle learning the details of the life of the father whom I never knew. I had wonderful stories and pictures, but nothing tangible that he had touched. Then, this month, a second miracle.
Read more >>Recently, I was thinking about the power of our prayers of healing, my involvement in interfaith dialogue, and my deep and longstanding friendships.
Read more >>My mother and grandmother were the key people who cared for me and brought me shalom then, and the memory brings me shalom now.
Read more >>The class reminded us of the lives our ancestors escaped; sadly, it also made us more fully aware that antisemitism still exists.
Read more >>Our clergy always let us know how proud they are of us. I return the compliment.
Read more >>In the early 1990s, I met many others who shared the experience of our fathers dying during World War II. Nine of us founded the American World War II Orphans Network.
Read more >>Rabbi Saphire’s Facebook posts as well as the spontaneous responses they elicited embody our TBE values.