At the beginning of 2023, TBE Congregants for Reproductive Justice established a relationship with Health Q Lawrence, a local comprehensive sexual and reproductive care center. Inspired by a similar undertaking at other synagogues, we created Chavliot Tipol- a project to collect and assemble post-abortion care kits to donate to the patients of Health Q Lawrence. We have been thrilled with the generous TBE community donations as we were able to collect a surplus of materials needed for our initial goal of creating 150 care packages. We are also grateful to the TBE Sisterhood who collected donations during the Sisterhood Seder.
On April 28th, we collaborated with 6th and 7th grade B’Yachad students to organize and assemble care kits as part of their Ma’asim Tovim experience. In addition, Havayah students also participated in the Chavilot Tipol project twice: once in March with the 12th grade Challah Back Girls group and then in early April when the Havayah teens dedicated one of their evenings to assembling care kits. In total, we have created over 500 post-abortion care kits!
In order to fulfill the needs of the HealthQ Lawrence community all year long, we have also forged connections with several other Massachusetts synagogues and organizations including: Temple Shalom, Hevrah in the Berkshires, Tufts Hillel, Hadassah Northeast and Repair the World. We are so grateful to everyone who has donated materials and time toward this project and for the opportunity to create such meaningful connections within the TBE community and beyond, all striving toward the common goal of supporting reproductive justice.