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TBE’s Community Voice

It has been a pleasure to meet some of you and get to know the wonderful programs at TBE. I am looking forward to working with you and supporting you or your work at TBE.

As a clinical social worker I am trained to assess, evaluate and provide counseling to children, youth, adults and older adults. My approach is client-centered, strength-based approach.

When working with you we will have an intake session in which I will listen carefully to your needs and concerns as well as to your hopes and goals. While my role at the temple is not to provide an ongoing therapy, I can help with identifying some of the issues you (or your child) struggle with and offer clinical support. Together we will build a plan based on your strengths, goals and available resources in the community. As a mental health outreach clinician, I can help with referrals as well as identifying resources and programs/providers/support groups that might be helpful. We will then have a follow up session to make sure you are getting the support you need.

Signs That it Might be a Good Idea to Seek Professional Help

You’re experiencing unexpected mood swings
If you’re noticing you’ve taken on a more consistent negative mood or thought process it might be worth talking to someone. A therapist can help you get to the root of the problem through exploring your thoughts, feelings, and circumstances in a confidential environment.

You’re undergoing a big change
New ventures are challenging and it’s normal to need assistance with that. You can work with a therapist to identify goals and to develop a plan to achieve them. Therapy often involves the development of skills and strategies to reduce or manage life stressors.

You’re having harmful thoughts
Suicide and self-harm are preventable with treatment by a licensed professional. If you’re thinking of hurting yourself immediately, seek help right away through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

You’re withdrawing from things that used to bring you joy
A loss of motivation could signal that something is up. If you’re normally an active individual and you’re suddenly pulling away from your normal activities, you could be experiencing something deeper. A therapist is trained to help you uncover why this might be occurring.

You’re feeling isolated or alone
Many people who deal with a loss, crisis, or mental health issues feel like they’re singular in dealing with their experience. Group therapy or a support group could help with this. This can bring about a sense of both comfort and hope.

You’re using a substance to cope with issues in your life
If you find yourself turning to drugs or alcohol as a way to deal with what’s going on in your life, it might be time to reach out. Going to therapy allows a person to gain the knowledge needed to fully address their illness.

You suspect you might have a serious mental health condition
Serious mental illness affects almost 10 million adults in America in a given year. If you’ve been feeling off for a long period of time, reach out. Psychiatric conditions like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia rarely develop out of nowhere and people display signs for a while. Symptoms―particularly ones like severe nervousness, apathy, or intrusive thoughts―should not be ignored.

Your sleeping patterns are off
A key symptom of depression includes a disruption in sleep, whether it be too little or too much. If you’ve noticed any significant change, it might be time to investigate the underlying issue.

You just feel like you need to talk to someone
If you have an inclination that you might need to speak with someone, do it. Therapy is a perfectly normal and valuable experience that works to many people’s benefit.

Daphna can be reached at or 781.997.4204. Learn more about Daphna.

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