Climate Action/TBE Green
Ensure our building and community are environmentally sound and sustainable.
Uphold the Jewish ideals of tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedek (justice), and bal tashchit (prohibition against wanton destruction).
We believe it is ethically imperative for Jews to work toward lessening our environmental impact. The TBE Green Team seeks to integrate our values into the operations of the TBE building. We also work to educate our community so they can implement sustainable practices in their daily lives and to engage in advocacy and education about sustainability in the broader community.
Join us and help TBE become the first synagogue to achieve the Paris Agreement goals of a 50% carbon emission reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”climate-action-tbe-green” limit=”3″]News & Updates
Pray-Party-Plant: Our Kippah Garden
Erica Kotin was on a quest have her son Jake’s B’mitzvah be sustainable, one plantable kippah at a time!
Or Hadash: Sustainability in Practice
Or Hadash has been working towards creating a sustainable, environmentally friendly congregation in Haifa. Read how their efforts to repair the world are making them a leader in sustainability on forefront of Israeli society.
Green Team: Make The Switch to LED’s
Sustainability & Our Building

Our Beit Elohim was designed to be environmentally friendly.
The Green Team work closely with our staff to maintain the building as efficiently
as possible in terms of energy use, supplies purchased, recycling,
and grounds maintenance.
Green Resources