Gun Violence Prevention
Commit to reducing gun violence on local, state, and national levels.
Our Mission
TBE Members to Prevent Gun Violence (TBEPGV) aims to reduce the scourge of gun violence in our community and our country – whether caused by crime, accident, or suicide. Acting from our values, we join together with a growing movement of faith-based and community groups to influence state and national legislation, to educate ourselves and others, and to support innovative efforts to reduce gun violence.
TBEPGV is a vocal member of the Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence. We welcome anyone interested in learning about the causes of gun violence and in taking steps to reduce gun violence to join us at our monthly meetings and to participate in actionable steps such as calls, letter writing, joint meetings with other organizations/temples, and various forms of political action.
Reach Out
Upcoming Events
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News & Updates
Gun Violence Numbers Rising
The Talmud instructs us that we are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are we free to abandon it. Reducing gun violence is every citizens’ responsibility if we care for our children, our communities, and our country. Join us!
Extreme Risk Protective Order Passes!
As of July 3, 2018, Extreme Risk Protection Orders are the law in MA. A big thanks to TBE Congregants to Prevent Gun Violence.