By: Eldon & Carol Clingan
Date: July 1, 2018
Temple Beth Elohim has been our home for almost 30 years
The life of our family since our children were small has centered on this wonderful Jewish community. TBE clergy have helped us observe the b’not mitzvah and marriages of our daughters, celebrate the namings of our grandchildren and mark the deaths of our parents. Not only our children’s Jewish education, but also our own adult learning journeys, have taken place under to the loving guidance of our clergy.
For our children & grandchildren & future generations
As we look to the future and the legacy we will pass on to future generations, we hope our children and grandchildren will experience all the joys and blessings we encountered during our three decades at TBE. It’s important to us that we ensure a caring, welcoming and vibrant Jewish community will be there for future generations.
Supporting the L’Dor V’Dor Legacy Society
We are people who believe in giving back, and we owe more to TBE than we can possibly repay. We have always supported the Annual Fund and building campaigns, but have never been able to be very large donors. So we have devoted our time and efforts to making TBE stronger. But we have made an additional commitment to strengthening our temple’s foundation – we have provided for TBE in our estate plan by establishing a planned gift to benefit TBE through the L’Dor V’Dor Legacy Society.
While TBE hopes not to receive L’Dor D’Vor funds for many years (a hope with which we devoutly concur!), it is through these meaningful gifts that we will ensure that TBE is here to serve the needs of our children and grandchildren.