- Community Engagement
50:50 Startups: A Successful Model to Grow Israeli/Palestinian Shared Society (Hybrid)
- Tuesday, July 25, 2023
- 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Professor Amir Grinstein

50:50 Startups is an Israeli non-profit that pairs young Israeli and Palestinian entrepreneurs to work together. Partnering with the Tel-Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center and Northeastern University here in Boston, the teams receive training and mentorship to grow a shared venture. Come hear from founder Professor Amir Grinstein of Northeastern and from two of the teams currently here in Boston about the challenges, rewards, and wonderful growth of the program to support and nurture a shared society. Also hear from our own Gareth Taube, a mentor for the program, about his experience and how you can get involved.
Registration: This event is available in person and on Zoom. Click the purple registration bar above to join us. Zoom pre-registration is required. Once you have registered, your unique access link will be emailed to you.
Join ARZA @ TBE to take a stand for liberal Zionism. AZRA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, is the Zionist arm of the Reform Movement both in the U.S. and Israel. We bring speakers and programs to build greater connection to and support for our Movement in Israel to fund its vital work to promote and strengthen our Movement’s progressive, pluralistic, and democratic values in Israeli society and government.
Israel Current Events Program (ICEP)
The Israel Current Events Program (ICEP) is a dynamic discussion group for learning and exploring important aspects of Israeli current events and how they impact Israel. Invited speakers share expertise on a specific topic related to Israel, typically followed by Q&A and group discussion. Topics selected based on timely and pressing issues facing Israel. ICEP typically meets one Sunday per month.