- Adult Learning
Adult Talmud Study / Daf Yomi (Online)
- Friday, August 25, 2023
- 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
- Program Leader: Rabbi Carol Mitchell

Join us for Talmud/Daf Yomi study, a practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. A complete cycle takes seven years! Tens of thousands of Jews study Daf Yomi worldwide, all on the same page each day, following a schedule fixed in 1923 in Poland by Rabbi Meir Shapiro, who envisioned the whole world as a vast Talmudic classroom connected by a global network of conversational threads. We study ideas that interest the group, from festivals to leaving corners of the field for the poor to wedding and mourning traditions. Learn more
Come when you can. Walk ins welcome. Prior registration is not required.
If you are interested in learning with us or have questions, please contact Rabbi Carol Mitchell. All are welcome!