- Toddler to Teen
All Havayah Night (In Person)
- Monday, March 21, 2022
- 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Hannah Richman Kearney

Join your Jew Man group, Challah Back Girls group, Havayah Hangout crew, and the whole Havayah community for an evening of teen created, teen led programming. This all Havayah night is hosted by the Havayah Justice League, and will be an evening of self-care, fun, and reflection!
Join other Havayah Parents for a parallel gathering during our All Havayah Night on March 21! Weather permitting, our parents will come together as a community for S’mores and Hot Chocolate in our back courtyard by a fire pit. Drop your teen(s) off at the teen program and take time to reconnect and meet new friends. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll gather in the Beit Midrash for an indoor activity! Come to meet and connect with other Havayah parents, including members of our Havayah Parent Committee! RSVP via email to Ali Klein.
Open to all teens in grades 8-12 at TBE!