- Community Engagement
Annual Trotter School Holiday Gift Drive
- Sunday, November 5, 2023 - Friday, December 15
- All Day Event

The annual Holiday Gift Collection for the 320 students at Grove Hall’s William Monroe Trotter K-6 School is underway! Students are excited to be back in school, providing opportunities for socializing with friends, reconnecting with teachers, and profiting from a structured school day. Although some sense of “normal” has returned, many families continue to struggle with loss of employment, food insecurity, and threatened homelessness. You can brighten the holidays by providing gifts by December 15, 2023 for students ranging in age from K (3 years) to 6th grade (12 years of age). Ideas include: toys, books, academic-type projects, dolls, arts and crafts materials, and games. Gifts should be:
- Unwrapped and delivered to TBE in the Collection Box
- Non-violent (no guns)
- $30 limit per gift (so there is equity among siblings receiving gifts)
There are many ways to contribute:
- Drop off unwrapped gifts, valued at $30 or less at TBE.
- Order gifts through the Amazon gift registry and send to TBE.
- Purchase gift cards from Target, Star, and Stop and Shop and bring to TBE.
- Contribute to the RJI Fund for RJI purchases from Black-owned Businesses: click here, select “Racial Justice Initiative Fund” in the fund dropdown menu, and then put “Trotter School Holiday Gift Drive” in the field below labeled “Is there a TBE gift drive you are supporting?”
Sponsored by TBE’s Racial Justice Initiative: RJI works to increase our understanding and activism to address ongoing discrimination and inequality.