- Community Engagement
Concert Fundraiser for Afghan Resettlement & the New Americans Immigration Fund (Online)
- Friday, February 11, 2022
- 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
- Join us online

Join us for a concert featuring our own talented Lina Musayev on flute, Andy Langowitz also on flute, Cantors Shanna Zell and Josh Rosenberg, and other professional musicians. The concert includes works by both classical and contemporary composers.
This date is very special as it marks the 30th anniversary of Lina’s arrival as a refugee to the US. She will share the story of her remarkable journey. Lina is an active volunteer and works in field of education. Andy, a software developer, assists our refugee families with his tech wizardry.
Suggested donations of $18/person or $36/family (or what you feel is appropriate) will help meet the costs of resettling a second Afghan family and hopefully provide funds for a third family. As a sponsoring organization, TBE needs to raise $35,000 to $40,000 per family. We have nearly met our goal for a second family expected to arrive in late January or early February. We are thrilled that the family which arrived in October continues to thrive in their new home. We are uplifted by the gratitude expressed by this family especially because we are aware of the horrific situation from which they fled. Click here to make an online donation (click on the drop down menu and choose “New Americans Immigration Fund”). Or, mail a check to TBE, 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley, MA with New Americans Fund in the memo line to: Temple Beth Elohim.
All are welcome to enjoy the concert. It is open to Wellesley interfaith partners and all others who have been assisting or would like to assist new immigrants and refugees.