- Toddler to Teen
Designing the Queer High School of the Future (Hybrid)
- Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Dr. Allison Druin, Head of School and Co-Founder of J.S. Bryant School

From Dr. Allison Druin: We have sat on floors, at picnic tables, on porches and under trees. We have met with almost 50 teenagers at local camps in Massachusetts, from the Berkshires to north of Boston. And to all of those teens we asked, “Where do you feel your most authentic self?” We wanted to learn where, when, and by whom do they feel comfortable, affirmed, and heard. We heard loud and clear—it is when diversity is celebrated, equity is prioritized, and inclusion is not just a good idea, but offers tangible lived- experiences. What we must concede is that these possibilities are not easy to make happen. Today’s high school students are struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidality, trauma, and victimization. Youth that identify as being in the LGBTQ+ community, particularly those that identify as trans and nonbinary young people, report much higher rates of struggle.
Therefore, our team explored more deeply through co-design with these teens what the queer high school of the future could be. And so with energy, creativity, and a bag of art supplies, teams of 2-3 students co-designed gender-affirming spaces and programs. They described the agency and autonomy learners need. They described outdoor, integrative, project-based learning. They insisted on strong and flexible wellness programs.
In this talk, Dr Druin will share her co-design stories, ideas, and visions for the future. She will explain how her work with teens is a bridge to the design of the J.S. Bryant School. And she will share what she believes this means for educators, parents, and students that deeply care about a world that can support all learners where they can be their most authentic selves.
Listen or read NPR’s Story Corps interview with Dr. Druin here
Registration: This event is available in person and online. In person In person registation os not required. Please click the appropriate purple bar above to join us online.