- Community Engagement
HIAS Annual Refugee Shabbat: Telling Our Immigrant Stories (Online)
- Friday, March 4, 2022
- 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us online

During this Shabbat, we will have TBE members share their family immigration stories. Five or six will be highlighted and then we’ll open it up to all for a discussion. Many of us are just one or two generations away from our family immigrating to the US. This is an opportunity to share your family story with the TBE community. This is also the fourth annual HIAS Refugee Shabbat and is a great time to remember the family members who came to the US and their struggle for a better life.
Our immigration stories are inspiring, amazing, possibly unbelievable, heartbreaking and heart warming. Please join us virtually following our Shabbat service to hear several congregants share their stories. We welcome your story. Contact Michael Gilman with questions and comments. Some stories may be similar to your family’s; some may even reveal long lost relatives.
About HIAS
HIAS is a Jewish American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. It was originally established in 1881 to aid Jewish refugees. Learn more about HIAS here.
About the Immigration Justice Initiative
Members of the Immigration Justice Group are passionate about immigration and seek to affect change both locally and nationally around this issue. Called by our tradition, which commands us to help the stranger, we refuse to stand idly by as we hear and see the plight of the stranger in our midst.
This event is available on Zoom and pre-registration is required. Please click the registration button above to register. Once you have registered, your unique access link will be emailed to you. If you’re new to Zoom, watch a tutorial or read written instructions on how to join a Zoom video call.