- Adult Learning
Israel for Reel: There Is No Place Like Home (In Person)
- Monday, February 12, 2024
- 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Tamar Forman

Join the high drama created by Israeli television advertisements, which take aim at your heart to generate laughter, induce tears, raise questions, and even evoke anger. Most of all, the media we encounter will serve as a fascinating social document as we explore the meaning of home and homeland: in our own lives, in the past and present of the Jewish people, and in light of recent events in Israel and in the Jewish world.
This course follows a sequential structure, but anyone is welcome to join at any point, or to drop in to any class. If you have questions regarding participation, please contact Rabbi Vanessa Harper, vharper@tbewellesley.gtstaging.com.
Dates: Mondays, February 12, March 4, March 18, April 1
Registration: Please click on the purple registration button above.
Fee: Members: $0 / Non-members: $250
This class is part of eLeMeNTs. | Lishma: Monday Night Torah – Connect to community and to ancient and modern Jewish wisdom through eLeMeNTs, TBE’s newest innovation in adult learning. Join us starting at 7:00 pm every Monday night for community connection, words of Torah, a dedication of learning, and a Kaddish opportunity before classes begin at 7:30.