- Adult Learning
Israel for Reel: On The Map (In Person)
- Monday, March 18, 2024
- 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Tamar Forman

On the Map: taking a closer look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through a short film made by a student from Jerusalem’s Ma’ale Film School and excerpts from a novel that was banned in Israeli high schools.
There is no consensus on what the map of the state of Israel looks like. As we look at maps of the land of Israel in biblical times, along with maps from the last few decades, we will take on the challenging task of trying to make sense of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The short film and the literature will help us understand a host of terms and concepts relating to the conflict, but most of all, the narratives we encounter will give us a sense of the impact of the conflict on people’s daily lives: their hopes and fears, their struggles and dreams.
This course follows a sequential structure, but anyone is welcome to join at any point, or to drop in to any class. If you have questions regarding participation, please contact Rabbi Vanessa Harper, vharper@tbewellesley.gtstaging.com.
Dates: Mondays, February 12, March 4, March 18, April 1
Registration: Please click on the purple registration button above.
Fee: Members: $0 / Non-members: $250
This class is part of eLeMeNTs. | Lishma: Monday Night Torah – Connect to community and to ancient and modern Jewish wisdom through eLeMeNTs, TBE’s newest innovation in adult learning. Join us starting at 7:00 pm every Monday night for community connection, words of Torah, a dedication of learning, and a Kaddish opportunity before classes begin at 7:30.