- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, October 15, 2022
- 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Harrison Fleisher.
About Harrison
Hello TBE, My name is Harrison Fleisher and I love playing sports. On the basketball court is my favorite place to be, I love playing basketball all year round. I play on a club basketball team and my town travel team, and enjoy all aspects of the game. I also love playing baseball. I live in Natick with my parents Todd and Alison, and my younger brother Dylan. He is in 6th grade and we spend a lot of time playing sports together. I am in 7th grade at Kennedy Middle School in Natick, and my favorite subject is math. I go to Camp Young Judaea in the summer, and love it there! I have made so many amazing friends and love being at my home away from home. Studying for my Bar Mitzvah has been a lot of work, but I really surprised myself by how well prepared I was through learning Hebrew over the past several years at TBE. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means having more responsibilities in my family and being a role model for my brother and others younger than me.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!