- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, March 11, 2023
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Elodie Rosen and Lev Navisky.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!
About Elodie
Hello Temple Beth Elohim! I am Elodie Rosen, a seventh grader at Pollard Middle School in Needham. I am an athlete who loves to play soccer, basketball, skiing, surfing, and crossfit! I am on two soccer teams: a club team and a town team. My dad coaches my town soccer team and our name is the Needham Hydra. My basketball team is the NB stars and most of my soccer teammates are also on my basketball team. Every summer I go to a Jewish summer camp called Crane Lake. I have so much fun with all of my friends every year, and I can’t wait to be there this upcoming summer!
Some things that I love to do with my free time are all of my sports, hanging out with friends, shopping, and family time. I have a mom and a dad whose names are Abigail and Alan. I have an older sister who goes to Needham High School. She is in 9th grade and her name is Adah. I have a four year-old golden retriever and her name is Clover.
I am extremely fortunate to belong to this amazing temple along with three of my cousins, my aunt, and my grandparents. In addition to working hard on my torah portion and prayers, I have been volunteering at many organizations for my mitzvah project. These include Hope and Comfort, Days for Girls, and assembling post-abortion care kits at TBE for a reproductive health center called HealthQ in Lawrence. Hope and Comfort is an organization that provides hygiene kits for those who cannot afford the products. Days for Girls is an organization that creates reusable menstrual kits for people who live in countries where products are not accessible to them.
To me, becoming a Bat Mitzvah means beginning my jewish adulthood and finding my Jewish identity. I am incredibly grateful to be sharing this experience with my cousin Lev. Ever since we were little, our family has planned on sharing our B’Mitzvah together. This means so much to me because he is my best friend and I don’t know who I would be without him.
About Lev
Hi! I’m Lev Navisky. Many of you may know me due to my family’s unusually extreme engagement in TBE. You can count on at least one of us being there at any given time. I have found my place at TBE with B’Yachad, T’Filah Band Too, helping Max with the Zoom during Friday night services and hanging out with my buddies Ella and Oren Saphire during services too. Outside of TBE, I love learning about and helping people with technology (specifically Apple products), theater, and being at Eisner Camp.
I have one brother, Asher, who is 16 and is one of my biggest role models in life. My mom, Elizabeth, grew up going to TBE and became a Bat Mitzvah here too. My dad, Danny, is my mentor when it comes to all things Judaism. Whether it’s practicing my Torah portion or a question about Hebrew, he is there for me.
I am in 7th grade at Brown Middle School in Newton. Funnily enough, my mom also went there. My favorite subject is Social Studies (shout out to my two favorite teachers, Ms. Conrad and Mr Allsbrook).
I am so excited to become a Bar Mitzvah with my twousin (twin-cousin), Elodie Rosen. It is so meaningful to share this incredible day with her. As a Bar Mitzvah, I am excited to grow more in our vibrant community. For Ma’asim Tovim, I have helped Cantor Josh with Tot Shabbat and other youth-related tasks. Finally, I would like to make one shout-out to my Bar Mitzvah tutor, Rabbi Lazar, who has made this process infinitely easier.