- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, March 18, 2023
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Jacob Kotin and Nathaniel Cody.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!
About Jake
Hi TBE. My name is Jake Kotin, and for my 13th birthday I want to play a game. So, let’s play 12 truths and a lie.
- I’ve been in 4 shows in the past two years and will be in another one in June.
- I’ve run a sub 6 minute mile.
- I know how to surf.
- I sing in a band with my friends and I’m learning guitar.
- I go to Kennedy Middle School in Natick.
- I love to travel and I’ve been to 5 countries and 25 states.
- I live with my mom, dad, brother Ryan, and dog Pixie.
- When my mom was pregnant with me, Bruce Springsteen bet his career that I was going to be a boy.
- My favorite holiday is Shabbat because my mom makes a wicked challah and on Saturday morning makes french toast.
- I went to a trapeze camp.
- I’m going to Camp Tevya this summer for the first time.
- I’m learning French because I want to spend a semester abroad in Paris.
- I received PJ Library’s 5 millionth book when I was three.
Did you figure out which one was the lie? It was number 8. It wasn’t Bruce Springsteen, it was Clarence Clemons, his saxophone player.
About Nate
Hi TBE, my name is Nate Cody. I adore music. I love listening to it, I love playing it, and I also love making it. I love almost all music but Jazz is probably my favorite. I play saxophone, piano, and bass guitar. I just find it really fun and think that music has a sort of universal connection that can make people feel so many different ways and I think that that is infinitely cool.
I have a little brother named Finn, he’s 9 years old and is pretty cool. My mom and dad are great. They always foster my interests and lend me a hand if I need some help. I’m the older brother which is very tiring but I still love my little brother.
A word that describes me would probably be creative. I go to Wellesley Middle School and I would say my favorite subject is band, but that’s not a subject so it would have to be math. I just like how there are so many ways to find the answers and everyone does it differently so I can be a little creative with how I solve the different problems.
I think that becoming a Bar Mitzvah means becoming a leader and taking on more responsibility. It sounds really cliche but I do think that’s what becoming Bar Mitzvah means to me. I can’t wait to see what comes next! -Nate