- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, October 28, 2023
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Alexandra Gillette and Drew Levin.
About Alexandra
Hello TBE Community, my name is Alexandra Gillette and I’m 12 years old. 2 things I love are Camp and dance.This year is my 11th year dancing at A Fine Dance Studio in Needham. It is my 7th year on a competition team but my 6th year competing because of Covid. I have also been going to Camp Tevya for 5 years. I love meeting new kids every summer and making memories with all my friends. I live in Newton with my mom, Tamara, my dad, Marc, my older sister, Noa and my dog, Bentley. I am going into 8th grade at the International School of Boston in Cambridge. My school is bilingual and we speak both French and English. For my Bat Mitzvah project I have volunteered at TBE Tables to help provide food for people in need. Becoming a bat mitzvah has made me feel like I’m gaining more responsibility and independence for myself.
About Drew
Hi TBE, my name is Drew Levin.
I am a HUGE Percy Jackson fan. I like them because I like adventure and action books and Percy Jackson combines the two. I own all of the Percy Jackson books and the sequels. I have spent the last three summers at Camp Tevya in New Hampshire and it’s my home away from home where I have the best time of my life. I am an only child and live with my parents Adam and Joy. Sometimes I wish I had siblings, but sometimes I hear my friends complaining about their siblings and am glad I don’t have any. I am a seventh grader attending Ashland Middle School. My favorite class is science because I find it quite interesting and am actually good at it! My service project was volunteering for the Special Olympics, helping young kids with disabilities play and have fun. It is important to help children with disabilities make friends because sometimes they get excluded when they are older which is unfair. I feel very lucky and proud to become a Bar Mitzvah and know that all of my hard work will pay off. Thank you to all of the clergy and staff for guiding me through this process.