- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, February 10, 2024
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Charlotte Abramowitz.
About Charlotte
Dear TBE Community:
My Name is Charlotte Abramowitz, and I’m so glad that I have the opportunity to introduce myself before my upcoming bat mitzvah. I spend most of my time dancing and acting. Although it is a lot of work and a bit stressful at times, overall, I love it and the sense of accomplishment I get.
I’m the oldest child in my family of four. My little sister Izzy is 9. Also, I have a dog named Dusty who thinks he is my sibling (I agree with him, too!). I’m in the 7th grade at Beaver Country Day School. I like all my classes, but really enjoy theatre arts, because I get to work on the craft and skills of acting and the theatre.
Preparing for my bat mitzvah has been a lot of work, but I am proud of how far I’ve come. Through this process, I have become more aware of my Jewish heritage and feel a greater sense of connection to being a Jew in this community. I’m really looking forward to becoming a bat mitzvah.