- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, May 18, 2024
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Join us online

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Felix and William Stedman.
About Felix
Hello TBE community. My name is Felix Stedman and I am an athletic kid who loves to read, write, and ski! I love being creative because I enjoy making things like my essay / song about Martin Luther King Jr. I even built a handmade, giant ski ramp in the backyard. Mt. Felix is an exclusive club for future olympians!
I have an amazing family. One twin brother, Sonny, and two big sisters, Weezy and Yasmine. I also have two parents and two dogs. I love to play basketball with Sonny, he’s pretty tough to beat, but not impossible! When Weezy actually leaves her room she’s super fun to be with. My other sister, Yasmine, is at college but I love to see her when she visits.
I attend Wellesley Middle School, and I love my friends. Community is very important to me, and that’s why becoming a Jewish adult means so much. I’m super glad to be Jewish and this is why my bar mitzvah is one of the most important milestones to me.
About William “Sonny” Stedman,
Hey TBE, I’m Sonny. I like to play basketball and hang out with my friends. I’ve been working hard at basketball for over a year and I’ve “kind of improved.” I have ADHD and dyslexia and it never slows me down, except for reading.
I have two sisters and a twin brother. Felix, my twin, is really fun and we’ve invented a ton of games that we love. Yasmine is an amazing big sister who’s almost done with college. I’m hoping she moves back to Boston. My sister Louise is so fun to talk to, and helped me navigate my new school since she goes there also. Speaking of my school…
I go to Beaver Country Day. I like it a lot more than WMS and have made a lot of really amazing friends. I’m so glad to be a bar mitzvah because I can be an adult in the Jewish tradition and community, which means a lot to me and my family. Bye, TBE!