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  • Spiritual Practice

Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Dylan Fleisher.

About Dylan
My name is Dylan Fleisher and I am in 7th grade at Kennedy Middle School. I live in Natick with my parents, Alison and Todd, and my 14 year old brother Harrison. My favorite subject in school is math because I enjoy problem solving. I love to play sports; my favorites are basketball, soccer, and baseball. I am currently playing on 3 different sports teams. I spend my summers at Camp YJ in New Hampshire and I am lucky enough to go to camp with my brother and 5 of my cousins!

I am looking forward to becoming a bar mitzvah and taking on the responsibilities of a Jewish adult. Becoming a bar mitzvah has been a tradition in my family for many generations and I am so proud to carry on this tradition.