- Community Engagement
Canceled: MLK Commemoration Shabbat Dinner (In Person)
- Friday, January 12, 2024
- 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM

The deep partnership and fellowship of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is captured in the famous photo of their arm-in-arm 1965 March on Selma. It is testimony to the shared values espoused by King and a cornerstone of Judaism: justice, equality, human dignity, and b’tzelem Elohim—“in the image of God.”
This year the TBE community celebrates our commitment to these shared values with a number of activities and events. Join us on Friday, January 12 as we welcome the Sabbath by signing up for dinner prepared by Fresh Food Generation.
Registration: This event is available in person; please click the purple bar above to sign up. Dinner registration closes January 7.
This event is sponsored by TBE’s Racial Justice Initiative, which works to increase our understanding and activism to address ongoing discrimination and inequality.