- Community Engagement
Partakers Mentoring Info Session and Re-Entry Mentor Training (Online)
- Wednesday, January 26, 2022
- 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
- Join us online

Partakers continues to provide TBE congregants with unique opportunities to engage in life-changing volunteer mentoring with incarcerated individuals and recently released returning citizens. We are actively recruiting new Partakers mentors and have new mentees ready for matching!
At the Info Session, you will hear from Executive Director Arthur Bembury about Partakers’ two unique Criminal Justice-involved mentoring programs:
1. Partakers College Behind Bars Mentors – mentoring individuals working on college degrees while incarcerated in MA State Prisons
2. Partakers Empowerment Program (PEP) Reentry Mentors – mentoring recently released individuals as they participate in the 12-week PEP Re-Entry program and navigate the challenges and opportunities of the post-prison transition.
You will have a chance to learn: What is involved in mentoring a prisoner or returning citizen? How do the College Behind Bars and Re-entry programs differ? What qualities or skills are you looking for in mentors? What is the time commitment of each program? How do you manage COVID? What kind of training or support is provided?
At the training session, folks who are ready to start the process of becoming a re-entry mentor, will walk through the logistics, time commitment, How-Tos, and what to expect of being a re-entry mentor, including best practices and available support for mentors teams. Following the Re-Entry Mentor Training, you will have a chance to sign up to become part of new Re-Entry Mentor team and get matched with a Partakers Re-entry program enrollee.
Registration: Click the registration button above to register and access the Zoom link.