- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, March 11, 2023
- 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Chloe Carrano and Victoria Rosenthal.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!
About Chloe
Dear TBE Community, my name is Chloe Carrano. I’m a flutist, avid reader and writer! I enjoy tackling challenging puzzles of all kinds, including mathematical problems and, recently, chess. Drawing and being outside are two of my favorite pastimes, and sometimes I like to combine them! I often sketch and paint what I see in my backyard or on walks with my family.
I live with my parents and my dog, Biscotti. My family loves to travel! We often visit my grandparents, who live in New York. When we visit, we go to museums, explore parks, and attend concerts in the city. I’ve also enjoyed sharing these activities with my friends here in Boston. It’s particularly meaningful to experience both of these cities with friends and family.
I’m in seventh grade and go to Brown Middle School. Though I enjoy all of my classes, English, Math, and Science are my favorite subjects. In English, we read books that make us question ourselves and our world. I enjoy the logic of Math and Science, watching elements of a problem fall into place and seeing how the concepts I learn in class connect to my daily life.
In preparing for my Bat Mitzvah, I’ve participated in a number of Ma’asim Tovim! These include putting together care packages for Action for Post-Soviet Jewry, making craft kits for young children through the Temple’s FSAG group, and going on the Winter Walk. My mother is a musician, and I’ve helped with fundraising concerts in support of Doctors Without Borders, the Vietnam Vascular Anomalies Center, and Birthday Wishes. Becoming Bat Mitzvah has meant a lot to me. It means becoming an adult in the eyes of the Jewish community, taking on new responsibility and a role in leadership. I will bring this experience with me into the future, remembering and continuing to cultivate my unique bond with Judaism.
About Victoria
Hello TBE Community! I am Victoria Rosenthal, a 7th grade student at Weston Middle School. There are many things I love to do, including cozying up and reading! I read all kinds of books, but specifically adventurous books about fantasy and science fiction. Listening to and playing classical music is also something that makes me happy. I play violin in orchestra, chamber groups, and solo. In the summer, I always look forward to playing outdoors with friends at Greenwood Music Camp. Additionally, one of my favorite things to learn about outside of school is computer science, particularly designing and coding websites!
My 7-year-old sister Eleanor and I enjoy biking with our parents, Elizabeth and Eric. We especially have fun traveling to different places, playing tennis with each other, and seeing family. Eleanor and I love playing outside together in the summer and the winter and doing fun projects like art, cooking, and baking. I can’t wait to see my family at my Bat Mitzvah, including my two first cousins, one who will be 8, and one who will be just 3 months!
Preparing for my Bat Mitzvah has made me feel proud and responsible because I am learning about Jewish history and what it means to be a Jewish adult as a part of our TBE community. I have been volunteering at different organizations which focus on the importance of helping others who are in need of food and other necessities. I am so excited for my Bat Mitzvah on March 11th!