- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, May 13, 2023
- 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Henry Zisow.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!
About Henry
Dear TBE Community,
My name is Henry Zisow, and I love skiing. I have been skiing since I was very young, and when I am skiing I love to go off jumps and do tricks. I am on the Loon Freestyle Team, and my family goes up to New Hampshire every weekend in the winter. There are five members of my family. I have a fifteen year old older sister named Emily, a ten year old younger brother named Samuel, and my parents, Matt and Michelle. I am the middle child and the comedian of my siblings. I also have two dogs named Westley and Opie. I am a seventh grader at The Rashi School, and my favorite subject is Math because I like logic puzzles and equations. Having my Bar Mitzvah has been a lot of work and it makes me feel proud of myself. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I am doing a week of service over my April break. In the week of service, each day I will be doing something different. I will be doing many activities like making cards for kids at Children’s Hospital, helping sort clothes at Cradles to Crayons, and a variety of projects for Jewish Family and Children’s Services.