- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, June 3, 2023
- 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Eve Kosto.
Registration and Health & Safety
If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines. This event is also available via live stream. Please click the purple registration bar above at the time of the service. Click on the arrow in the center of the live stream box to start watching the broadcast!
About Eve
Hello TBE,
I am Eve Kosto, a 7th grader at Brown Middle School in Newton. I like many of my classes and teachers, but Social Studies is by far my favorite. I enjoy learning about how the past has shaped our society today and what we can learn from that. As a bonus, my teacher always makes class interesting and fun.
This summer will be my 6th at Crane Lake Camp. I look forward to camp because my closest friends are from there and it helps me connect to my Jewish identity. When not at camp, I play on two or three soccer teams, depending on the season. I also play hockey, which is technically a winter sport, but in reality I am frequently getting rushed from hockey to soccer or vice versa. I love team sports because everyone is working together for a common goal and supporting each other.
I live with my parents, Seth and Staci, and my older brother, Elijah. Even though Elijah and I don’t always get along, I know I can rely on him. I am without a doubt the optimist in the family, always smiling and ready for an adventure. Some of my favorite family activities are cheering on the Sox at Fenway (or on our couch), and trying lots of different and interesting foods.
To me, becoming a Bat Mitzvah means taking on more responsibility by thinking about how we can move Judaism forward to be a fully equitable and inclusive religion – and helping to lead that change! Because I love sports, as part of my mitzvah project I wanted to help others experience them too. One organization I volunteered at was Belmont S.P.O.R.T., which helps people with disabilities learn to ice skate. The experience was especially meaningful because of the relationship I developed with a little girl there who has Down Syndrome, who I looked forward to seeing each week.