- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, October 21, 2023
- 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Jonathan Feder and Derick Katz.
About Jonathan
Hello TBE! My name is Jonathan Feder and I’m so excited to be a Bar Mitzvah. I live in Newton, Massachusetts and attend Brown Middle School. My favorite subject has always been math because I’ve always had lots of success with it and I’ve really enjoyed how my teachers have taught it.
One thing I’ve enjoyed throughout my life is baseball. This year I hope to play for my school with some of my friends. I usually have 2 practices a week and 2 games. Baseball has also sparked my love of sports cards. I buy, sell, and trade them so if you have any questions I’m the guy to ask.
I have one sister who is 9 years old and a mom. Coping with the loss of my father has been a journey that has shaped my resilience and perseverance. I have a dog named Bear who is 6 years old and is a Labradoodle.
Being a Bar Mitzvah is important to me understanding how some of my greatest role models in life have gone through the same or a similar process that I’ve been through. For my service project I’m working with World Central Kitchen which helps provide chefs who make food with people experiencing food insecurities during challenging times in their lives. I have always had a strong love for food so working with this phenomenal foundation seems like a perfect project.
Thanks for reading, Jonathan
About Derick
Hello TBE community! My name is Derick Katz and I am a seventh grader at the Rivers School in Weston. I love the energy, sports, classes and most of all, my friends at Rivers. I have a strong sense of community at Rivers, similar to the community at TBE. I have grown up at this temple. I attended pre-school at TBE and some of my closest friends from my early years are still my closest friends today! I love sports! My favorite sport is far and away golf. I am happiest on a golf course! Over the past year, through Ma’am Tovim, I volunteered with Special Olympics and Belmont S.P.O.R.T. I loved helping the children participate in sports! I look forward to seeing the kids and teenagers every week. I especially love watching them smile. I am planning on continuing to volunteer after my Bar Mitzvah with these organizations. I live in Weston, with my parents, Marci and Jeffrey Katz, my sister Ellie Katz and my two dogs. I love spending time with my family and love traveling with them. I truly value our time together. One of my most memorable trips this past year was to Israel, with my entire family. It was so meaningful to learn about our heritage. It was particularly meaningful for me to be able to travel to Israel before becoming a Bar Mitzvah. I feel very honored to have had this experience with my grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and cousins. I truly recognize the significant of this milestone in my life. I am so excited to become a Bar Mitzvah.