- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, November 11, 2023
- 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Hannah Grossman.
About Hannah
My name is Hannah Shoshana Grossman. I play jazz violin, viola and piano, plus I sing! I also act and last Spring I was in the play, The Little Mermaid, and got cast as Ariel. I have a 7-year-old little sister, whose name also happens to be Arielle, and she was in the play too. I babysit her when my parents exercise and go on runs. I also have a 3-year-old collie named Nellie and when I take her for walks people always come up to me to say “Wow, Lassie!” She gets into a lot of mischief and eats my pencils and jumps on the counter to eat my food on a regular basis. My parents are both doctors and they talk a lot about medicine at home. One time we went out to dinner and my sister choked on a piece of pizza and I was the one who saved her life while my parents watched in panic worried they may need to do the Heimlich maneuver. I am very lucky because I live a block away from my cousins: Noah, Avi, and Ella. They’re more like my half siblings because our moms are identical twins! My aunt has cancer and she is fighting it like a champion and doesn’t let it stop her! I go to Wellesley Middle School and I hope I like high school more. My bat mitzvah project has been helping the new Haitian migrants who arrived in Boston and are currently living in a shelter. When I was a baby I had all of the necessities I needed to grow up healthy but for these 300 Haitian families which include young children, many of whom don’t have shoes other than flip flops and babies who don’t have enough formula and diapers, and pregnant women who need supplies for their babies when they are born. They all need help so the children can grow up just as I did and still am. The reason why the Haitian migrants are here in the first place is because of violence, natural disasters, poverty, malnutrition, and political instability in their neighborhood, home, and community in Haiti. Many risked their lives to come to the United States for a better, safer life! My mom and I spent time this past Summer helping these families and this Fall I plan to set up some fun projects with the children like playdough. I am looking forward to my bat mitzvah and can’t wait to celebrate with friends and family.