- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, April 13, 2024
- 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Tyler Katz.
Registration: This event takes place in person and online. Prior registration is not required.
About Tyler
Hello TBE, my name is Tyler Katz and I’m very excited to become a bar mitzvah on April 13, 2024. Although I was hoping to celebrate this moment in Haifa, Israel with all of my family, I will hopefully be able to visit soon. One thing I love to do in my free time is play volleyball. Volleyball is one of my favorite hobbies, and I play for a club team called SMASH. I started playing volleyball when I was 10 with my older brother. I have been on the Longfellow swim team since I was 5 and I still love it today. I have five people in my family (not including dogs). I have my older brother Evan, who is 15, my younger brother Connor, who is 9, and my mom and dad. I also have two dogs named Howie and Rosie who are my favorite siblings. I live in Natick, MA and go to Kennedy Middle School as a 7th grader. Every summer I go to an overnight camp called Camp Tevya in Brookline, NH with both of my brothers. The summers I go to camp have been the best times of my life, and I have made so many memories with friends that I will never forget.
I have worked for several programs that help children with special needs such as the Special Olympics and the Charles River Center. I also participate in an after-school program called Connections Club where I get to hang out and play games with kids who need extra help. I have done it since 6th grade and still love it.
I’ve decided to dedicate my bar mitzvah project to benefit the Loggerhead Marine Life Center in Juno Beach, Florida. Loggerhead finds injured turtles and helps them be able to swim and become healthy again. They also have a wide range of marine life animals. Every time I go visit my grandfather in Florida, I beg to go there and love seeing all the marine life that they have.