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  • Community Engagement

Sisterhood Shabbat Walk | Arnold Arboretum (Outdoors)

Join Sisterhood and Minyan at 10:00 am in the Beit Midrash for Shabbat morning service, and/or brunch at 11:15 in the TBE atrium. We will leave TBE at 12:00 pm to join our guided tour of Arnold’s Arboretum at 12:30pm.

Registration: This event takes place in person. Click the purple registration bar above to join. RSVP by May 22, 2024.

Sisterhood@TBE brings together all those who identify as women in our TBE community through fun social gatherings and stimulating Jewish themed programs.



  • Arnold Arboretum
  • 125 Arborway
    Boston, MA 02130
    + Google Map