- Community Engagement
The TBE—Or Hadash—Haifa Cooking Connection (Online)
- Saturday, March 2, 2024
- 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Jeffrey Turk

Join with our friends at Or Hadash in Haifa as we connect—this time with our shared love for learning and cooking! Erwin Saldarriaga, Tanya Ben Haim, and Aviv Mayim from Or Hadash and Elizabeth Navisky and Mark Wolfson from TBE will each share a recipe that is meaningful to their families and then demonstrate the process in small break-out sessions.
This is a great opportunity to connect or reconnect with this amazing community, learn a new recipe, and continue to grow this important connection. It will not only be fun and meaningful, but also delicious! Whether you have been meaning to get involved with this connection, have already been involved, or want to show support for Israel during these difficult times, please join us! Ingredients list and recipes to be provided!
Registration: This event is available on Zoom. To register, please click the purple bar above.