- Community Engagement
Postponed: Two Synagogues | One Community – One People (Hybrid)
- Sunday, November 19, 2023
- 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM
- Program Leader: Rabbi Na'ama

Naama is arriving…unfortunately later than expected due to a flight delay. She will NOT be here by 4 pm for this program but will be here at 6:00 pm tonight to offer this program followed by dinner for those who can stay and schmooze. Please consider joining us at 6:00 pm tonight either in person or by Zoom for our program, Two Synagogues | One Community – One People – followed by Dinner and Discussion with Na’ama for those who are able to stay. As always, we thank you all for your commitment to the amazing connection with Na’ama and Or Hadash and hope you will still be able to join us!
TBE and Or Hadash are more than just sister congregations. We are friends, family and community. As our friends in Israel continue to live in a state of war, we at TBE continue to ask “What can we do? How can we help?” Our ongoing connection with Or Hadash, Rabbis Na’ama and Gabby, and the people of Or Hadash, have offered us the opportunity to engage, connect, and care. At the same time, our friends at Or Hadash share our concerns regarding the rise of antisemitism in America and in our own community.
Join Rabbi Na’ama as she offers us an update on their community, and how they continue to support the members of Or Hadash and the larger community in Haifa. She will offer some updates but then lead us in a discussion on how our two communities can continue to support each other during these unprecedented times. What can we at TBE do to support or friends at Or Hadash and, in turn, how can our friends at Or Hadash continue to support our community?
Branches to Haifa: Shape TBE’s relationship with our sister congregation, Or Hadash, the largest reform congregation north of Tel Aviv and part of a pluralistic education center.