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7 events,

The Hidden Jews of Majorca: Film Screening & Talk Back with Director (Hybrid)

With Director Dani Rotstein
  • Community Engagement

Join us for a film screening and talkback with Dani Rotstein, director of the new documentary Xueta Island: A Hidden History, which explores the fascinating legacy of the Xuetas, a unique group of families in Majorca, who are believed to be descendants of the island’s Inquisition-era Jewish population.

Almond Blossom

Passover | Introduction to Judaism (In Person)

With Rabbi Vanessa Harper
  • Adult Learning

In many ways, the story of the Exodus—celebrated at Passover—is the story of the origin of the Jewish people. Come learn about this story, and the ways that we celebrate it today, in this class, part of the Intro to Judaism series.

Closed: Drum Circle (In Person)

With Noam Sender
  • Community Engagement

Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle this spring with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.

Pre-Shabbat Study (In Person)

With Rabbi Vanessa Harper
  • Adult Learning

Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.

TGIS Service (Hybrid)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for Thank God It's Shabbat (TGIS) Service, a multi-generational experience to sing, pray, and learn together in a less formal worship environment.

Red Cross Blood Drive (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage.

TBE Kripalu Retreat

  • Community Engagement

Join TBE’s much anticipated ninth annual Kripalu retreat, led by Rabbi Sisenwine, Cantor Zell, Cantor Jodi Sufrin, and Noah Aronson.

On One Foot | Jewish Parenting (In Person)

With Rabbi Jordy Callman
  • Toddler to Teen

Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.

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