Join JFS of Metrowest and TBE in this annual opportunity to support low-income children as well as migrant and refugee families.
Throughout this interactive workshop, we will create our own kintsugi pottery, all while exploring what it means to enter the month of Elul.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Gabby Simon and Sydney Truslow.
Join us for a Shabbat trail walk and lunch. RSVP by September 4!
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Are you interested in joining TBE? Then join us for our Open House!
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
This special multi-part workshop, a unique collaboration between Mayyim Hayyim and The Well at Temple Beth Elohim, will help participants explore the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Join Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue's first interfaith dialogue facilitated by Kelly Meraw, Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy at St. John-St. Paul Catholic Collaborative.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
In the wake of the horrors of the October 7th attacks, installations of ceramic Kalaniyot have been placed all across Israel. At TBE, we are joining in this worldwide effort, creating our own installation.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Alexander Robbins and Olivia Hochberg.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
This story is of the infamous Leo Frank trial in Atlanta in 1913. Leo was wrongly accused of killing a 13 year old girl primarily because he was Jewish.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Join Don Drourr as he explores the music of Mel Brooks, not the comedic genius.
Dr Druin will share her co-design stories, ideas, and visions for the future. She will explain how her work with teens is a bridge to the design of the J.S. Bryant School.
Through text study and discussion with our clergy, discuss the meaning behind ritual and Jewish ritual—why rituals are important and what do they mean in our modern world?
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Alexander Bernier.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.
This unique workshop blends the spiritual essence of the Jewish High Holy Days with the ancient practice of Qigong.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
As we approach October 7, 2024, join Rabbi Jordy Callman for a three part series exploring the past year of collective Jewish experience through the lenses of Israeli music, visual art and media.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
This class will look at historical, legal, and cultural factors that have helped shape our upcoming elections.
A true story about a dedicated French high school teacher and her multi-cultural, inner-city pupils who learn about the impact of the Holocaust by entering a national contest.
Gather with other book lovers to discuss a chosen book each month. This month, we will be reading "Hope: A Novel" by Andrew Ridker.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Through 1:1 or small group conversations with fellow participants, clergy and staff, participants will craft their own immersion or water-based ceremony.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
We will examine the Book of Jonah to relive and animate the prophet’s words, and to arrive at an understanding of his message.
The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Leo Fenster.
Join for all or part of the evening as we transition into the High Holy Days.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Join TBE staff and clergy at Mayyim Hayyim at 1:00 PM for a communal water-based ritual in preparation for the High Holy Days, followed by the opportunity for any TBE congregant to schedule an immersion in preparation for the High Holy Days.
Miriam Smirnov will teach us about handling difficult situations to help prevent violence and escalation.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
A provocative, heartfelt, and timely documentary about three families whose lives become interconnected after the killing of a Palestinian and a Jewish settler in Lod.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with a joyous evening service followed by a festive oneg.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Join us in the sanctuary to awaken to the new year with inspiring melodies, introspective teachings, and the call of the shofar.
Connect with your community and celebrate the sweetness and joy of a new year as a community in this family-friendly service.
Join us in the sanctuary to awaken to the new year with inspiring melodies, introspective teachings, and the call of the shofar.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Awaken to the promise and possibilities of the new year with inspiring melodies, introspective teachings, and the call of the shofar.
We’ll gather at Lookout Farm to connect with a musical moment to set our intention for the year before breaking off to enjoy the farm and pick apples.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.
Hike and lunch on beautiful Mount Wachusett!