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Water Bottle Drive

Please bring reusable water bottles that will be cleaned and then donated to JF&CS, Brookline Food Pantry, and Wellesley Food Pantry.

Modern History of an Ancient Land (In Person)

With Israel so prominent in the news, it can be hard to understand what is truth and what is misinformed. Join us for a two part series as we walk through the history of the land and the people of Israel.

Postponed: Two Synagogues | One Community – One People (Hybrid)

Naama is arriving…unfortunately later than expected due to a flight delay. She will NOT be here by 4 pm for this program but will be here at 6:00 pm tonight to offer this program followed by dinner for those who can stay and schmooze. Please consider joining us at 6:00 pm tonight either in person or by Zoom for our program, Two Synagogues | One Community – One People - followed by Dinner and Discussion with Na'ama for those who are able to stay. As always, we thank you all for your commitment to the amazing connection with Na'ama and Or Hadash and hope you will still be able to join us!

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