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Holiday Toy Drive for Ukrainian Children

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

Donate new small toys and stuffed animals as holiday presents for the children of Ukraine.

Yoga with Stephanie: Fall Session 1 (Online)

Join experienced yoga teacher Stephanie Javaheri for a weekly mindful yoga ‘work in’ to cultivate awareness physically and mentally.

Designing the Queer High School of the Future (Hybrid)

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

Dr Druin will share her co-design stories, ideas, and visions for the future. She will explain how her work with teens is a bridge to the design of the J.S. Bryant School.

Mahjong (In Person)

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

Always wanted to learn to play Mahjong? Know how to play, but need a weekly game? Join us on Wednesday evenings!

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