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TBE Music Club (Hybrid)

With Cantor Emerita Jodi Sufrin and Cantor Roy Einhorn
  • Community Engagement

Jodi Sufrin and Roy Einhorn sing and speak on the topic of the Jewish origins of many beloved songs of Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood.

Book Club (Online)

With Helene Kress, Trina Reinach & Ronni Michaelson
  • Community Engagement

This month we will be discussing What's So Funny, by David Sipress (Non-Fiction). Join us on Zoom!

Reproductive Rights In Israel (In Person)

With Rabbis Na'ama Dafni Kellen and Gabby Dagan
  • Community Engagement

What is the current situation of reproductive rights in Israel? What common concerns do we, as American and Israeli Jews, share and where do we differ?

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