Join us for a Shabbat walk and nosh!
Join us for an exercise club for TBE members, clergy, and staff!
Join us for our annual BJFF Night at the Movies. Watch Alegeria in the theater, or in your own home!
Join us for an exercise club for TBE members, clergy, and staff!
You watched the film, now let's discuss it with Dr. Judy Avnery!
Jodi Sufrin and Roy Einhorn sing and speak on the topic of the Jewish origins of many beloved songs of Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood.
Accomplished musicians Sam and Ethan Wright (bass and cello) present a recital in honor of their B'Mitzvah.
This month we will be discussing What's So Funny, by David Sipress (Non-Fiction). Join us on Zoom!
Join us for an exercise club for TBE members, clergy, and staff!
What is the current situation of reproductive rights in Israel? What common concerns do we, as American and Israeli Jews, share and where do we differ?