Celebrate Rabbi Philip Sherman and all that he has done for us while enjoying dinner together and engaging in a moment of reflection and gratitude!
Welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Eli Wechsler.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray in an exciting and engaging Shabbat morning service for our 0-5 year olds with Josh Rosenberg and TBE clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Sloan Marmer.
Our Mincha Ma'ariv service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Mia Rotenberg.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Cooper McFarland.
Our Mincha Ma'ariv service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Elliott Conti.