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Beginner Modern Hebrew (Online)

With Dr. Judy Avnery
  • Adult Learning

A basic introduction to the Hebrew language. Learn to identify and sound each letter of the alphabet, pronounce different vowels and decode words, and more!

Adult Talmud Study / Daf Yomi (Online)

With Rabbi Carol Mitchell
  • Adult Learning

Daf Yomi is a daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.

On One Foot | Jewish Parenting (In Person)

With Rabbi Jordy Callman
  • Toddler to Teen

Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.

Art Sale to Benefit Israeli Artists (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

Join Kolbo and the TBE community for a very special art sale to benefit Israeli artists. Kolbo will bring jewelry, gift items, and art for sale, all produced by Israeli artists.

On One Foot | Jewish Parenting (In Person)

With Rabbi Jordy Callman
  • Toddler to Teen

Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.

Book Club (Online)

With Helene Kress, Trina Reinach & Ronni Michaelson
  • Community Engagement

September's book of choice is the non fiction, Shanda: A Memoir of Shame and Secrecy, by Letty Cottin Pogrebin.

Sisterhood@TBE Movie Night 2024 (Hybrid)

  • Community Engagement

View an upbeat, inspiring film about a pioneering foreign correspondent, photojournalist, writer and humanitarian, Ruth Gruber (1911- 2016), who reported the news and made history herself in the process, followed by a facilitator-led discussion with Rabbi Debra Goldstein, a TBE member and a "discussion leader extraordinaire."

Red Cross Blood Drive (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood and platelet donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage.

TGIS Service (Hybrid)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for Thank God It's Shabbat (TGIS) Service, a multi-generational experience to sing, pray, and learn together in a less formal worship environment.

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