One of our highest mitzvot, the commandment of pekuach nefesh, is to preserve human life. Our tradition teaches us that to save one life is to save the entire world. We have another opportunity to do just that within our TBE community. Please read the following information about donating a kidney for Gary Glick, or click here to learn more:
I am Gary Glick and I need a kidney to live. I have worked hard all of my life to help others. My wife and I contribute to our community, particularly in the arts and education areas.
I have a passion to help others through philanthropy. A kidney transplant will enable me to continue that work well into the future.
When I married my wife, I became a stepfather and now have two beautiful granddaughters with a grandson on the way. I look forward to being able to spend time with them as they grow up. They bring me joy and happiness.
On warm sunny days my wife Diane and I like to take walks on trails with our puppy Bella. We look forward to live musical performances and we support a number of organizations in that area and others. I enjoy singing in choral groups.
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Disease about a year ago. Blood work revealed that I am suffering from kidney disease and need a kidney transplant to survive.
My wife and I are very passionate about helping others. We help organizations to provide music and art education for children and seniors. Our work has benefited the Plymouth Philharmonic and many other organizations.
We also volunteer with several organizations to feed food-insecure families and stock food pantries.
I kidney transplant will restore my quality of life. A kidney transplant will allow me to live freely and avoid dialysis which will limit my days helping others. I will be able to live a normal life and enjoy my family and my work helping others.
A matching kidney would be ideal. However, there’s another way for me to receive a living kidney transplant. A kidney may be donated on my behalf through the National Kidney Registry (NKR) to help another person in need but with an incompatible donor, and I would receive a compatible kidney from a donor donating on behalf of that person or a different kidney recipient who would also receive a kidney.
The NKR would issue a voucher to me which is like an IOU for a kidney. The NKR employs data from across the U.S. to match donors with compatible recipients. That increases the number of transplants performed each year and also makes for the best patient outcomes.
A donor donating a kidney on my behalf would have their costs of hospital and medical care covered. Donor Shield Protections (including lost wages, room and lodging, and more) available only through the NKR may also be available.
You can help me by sharing my story and the link for this webpage via social media and email. Just by sharing my story you will help to save my life. Sharing would be like throwing a life preserver into the water to save me from drowning. Sharing the link for this webpage is the same thing.
Donors can be anywhere. Almost 100 outstanding transplant centers participate in the NKR network. Donors usually can donate at any NKR-affiliated transplant center near them or at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston where I am registered and approved for transplant. I am just waiting for a donor. If you are interested in becoming a donor please contact the following links:
1. NKR.ORG/CQV966/donate-kidney
2. GETGARYKIDNEY@GMAIL.COM or call 516-360-029- Rabbi Boruch Wolfe is the contact.
Reasonable cost reimbursement is legal. Title III of The National Organ Transplant Act, 1984, Pub. L. 998-507, allows for reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of human organs as well as for the expenses of travel, housing, and lost wages incurred by the donor of a human organ in connection with the donation of that organ. While reimbursement of expenses is legal, payment for the acquisition of an organ is not. In addition, our medical insurance covers the costs of medical care and hospitalization for the donor as well as for the recipient.