I chose to join L’Dor V’Dor Society because I love TBE. It means so much in my life that my hope is that future generations will experience what I experience all year. I attend Shabbat services every Shabbat. The liturgy and music are spiritually uplifting, and the sermons are well delivered, thought provoking, and uplifting. It is evident that our dedicated clergy team spends the time to be sure that our services connect with our souls.
I thrive on interfaith dialogue and connection. Rabbi Rachel Saphire has included me in TBE’s efforts in this important work and I am so grateful to her. I teach relevant classes at local churches; I attend services at local churches; and I have made connections with clergy and members at these churches. Through TBE and Rabbi Saphire, I have been able to experience the joy of this work in ways that I had
never expected.
I lead TBELLE classes, and I love those classes and the participants. I love studying at TBE. Rabbi Sisenwine, Rabbi Harper, Alison Kur, and Vicky Rakov lead a variety of classes that I have taken. Civil Discourse is one that I have been involved in for several years and it is one of the many paths leading to Shalom, the heart of TBE’s mission which in and of itself increases my love of TBE.
My wife, Barbara Epstein, and I have made friends at TBE, and we want future generations to be able to do the same. I work with the staff at TBE, too many to name. To a person they are capable and gracious and a joy to work with. TBE is so welcoming. And for that I thank Susan Karon who welcomed me when I was temple shopping and welcomes me daily and supports me.