My husband I joined TBE in 2014. During the High Holidays that year, I reconnected with Helene Kress, who chairs the Lev Echad group. She and I had worked as social workers at Beth Israel Hospital many years before. On learning about the Lev Echad group, I felt this was something in which I wanted to participate. It is a way to communicate with temple members who for whatever reason were unable to be present at the temple, but wanted to remain connected to TBE. Also part of the impetus for this was that I had a very dear cousin living in another city who I visited regularly and wished that she might have had a temple connection to talk with someone.
As a result of becoming part of the Lev Echad group, I am in contact with two very wonderful women. One I have visited one for 5 years now and the other I speak to on the phone every 2–3 weeks. Not only have I been able to keep them connected to TBE, I also have learned so much from them through their vast life experiences.
The Lev Echad group also makes birthday calls to members who are 80+. So many of these recipients have been very appreciative of these calls. This is also a way of continuing to engage with members.
As part of the Caring Connections group, Lev Echad is an important connector for TBE.