I am someone who is genuinely grateful to vote. Each time I give my name, collect my ballot, and ink the little bubble next to my choices, I feel a certain sense of awe. I used to tell my kids, “Make sure you always vote, many people don’t have the privilege.” I made sure I took them to see the process.
Saying this year is different is quite the understatement. The times demand I now plan a trip to the grocery store with precision akin to a space launch. Getting gas requires my hazmat arsenal. Yes, this year everything necessitates a great deal of forethought and consideration. Why wouldn’t I make sure my vote gets the same planning and attention to detail?
The 2020 elections are taking place during unprecedented times; the COVID pandemic raises numerous challenges to both local and national contests. When and where do I vote? Can I vote early? If I get a mail-in ballot can I change my mind and vote in person? (Yes, by the way!)
As part of TBE’s Every Voice, Every Vote initiative, the Mobilizing Voters team is working to keep you informed. Check that you are registered, know the facts for mail-in or in-person voting, and even track your own ballot. Our goal is a 100% voting congregation and, considering the strength of our community, I am extremely optimistic. We are also working with partner organizations in Boston to support their efforts in giving everyone a voice and making every vote count. We would love to have you become part of this important work by joining as a Mobilizing Voters volunteer. Please contact me to volunteer or ask questions!
Whatever you choose to do…
Pledge to vote: Studies show that a pledge can help reinforce an action and help us reach our goal. This virtual pledge card serves three purposes: Voter Registration, A Plan to Vote, and Opportunities to get involved. Click here to be among the first to pledge.
Voting Information Resources
Voting: Everything You Need to Know
Massachusetts Secretary of State Voting Page
TBE Every Voice, Every Vote Initiative