In June of 1995, with a one year old at home and a need for a new job, I took what I thought would be “just a job” at a small temple in Wellesley. I wasn’t looking for anything but a 9 to 5 job, no nights, no weekends, no stress.
Twenty-seven years later, I have had offices in four different buildings, more job titles and responsibilities than I can remember and the constant desire to make everyone happy, and of course, well fed. I have turned Friday night into my Jewish thing the best night of the week for me. Schmoozing, praying, and singing with our community has brought a different meaning to Shabbat for me.
I didn’t expect to find a community that is so special, filled with such wonderful people who all want the same thing: a community that prides itself on its love and caring both within our walls and outside of them.
Caring Community has expanded to include all of Caring Connections at TBE. My new job title, Associate Director, Caring Connections, speaks to the core of who I am and the kind of person I strive to be: caring for our members and bringing them comfort when they need it most. During an illness or a recent loss, having some difficulties with their mental wellness, sharing pictures of newborn babies, whatever it may be. I stand along with our volunteer teams of caregivers, at the ready with a warm smile, some chicken soup, or a shawl to hug you inside and out.
So while I took just a job in 1995, I have found a home and a purpose with all of you and for that, I am incredibly blessed.