Experience the wonder and majesty of Shabbat.
Join in communal prayer to connect with God, the Jewish people, and humanity.
Enjoy Shabbat with the TBE community.
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”shabbat” limit=”5″]Friday Evening Services
Friday Evening Service
Join us on Zoom to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer. Uplifting music, inspiring liturgy, and a short teaching. Friday nights have become a central “meeting” place for our community as each week hundreds of congregants have joined us on Zoom. Invite your friends and family—all are welcome!
Heartstrings Service
Cantor Zell orchestrates a prayer experience enhanced by violin, mandolin, percussion, and our voices.
Thank God It’s Shabbat (TGIS)
Our teen T’filah Band leads a monthly musical service, perfect for all ages.
Friday Evening Oneg
Enjoy a communal Oneg after all Friday evening services to meet new members and relax with friends.
Interested in sponsoring an Oneg?
Please click here.
Join Us
Members and non-members are welcome at all of our Shabbat services for children and adults.
Special Needs
Please let our clergy know if you or a family member has special needs in order to participate fully. The sanctuary is equipped with assistive listening devices.
Saturday Morning Service & Mincha Ma’ariv Service
Most Saturdays, we have a Shabbat service and Torah reading twice a day with b’mitzvah students leading the services alongside our clergy. When we’re back in person, all members are welcome to join the b’mitzvah guests. While we’re in our virtual makom, b’mitzvah services will be private.
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”shabbat” limit=”5″]Young Children
Member and non-member families are welcome at our Yaldeinu Shabbat experiences, including Saturday morning Tot Shabbat—filled with stories, song, and rituals led by our clergy.
Visual T’filah
To enhance introspection and prayer on Friday evening Shabbat services, we display photos and artwork of TBE teens and adults alongside our liturgy. Please share your creativity. Send along your favorite creations.
Rabbi Rachel Saphire