At a time when it feels like so much in our nation is broken and divided it helps to look through the eyes of others to gain perspective.
Twenty members of TBE’s Sharim Singers had the opportunity to sing our National Anthem at Faneuil Hall at a naturalization ceremony for 350 immigrants. The Hall was packed and brimming with excitement as their families beamed with pride.
As they raised their right hands, US District Judge William Young swore in the collective group to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
“It’s my distinct privilege, my honor, to extend to each and every one of you the most sincere, warmest, genuine welcome,” Judge Young said. “You have made America stronger, more diverse . . . more gentle, more humane, more American. You came here by many different paths, but we’re all in the same boat now.”
The ceremony concluded with the new citizens joining the Sharim Singers in America the Beautiful.
One immigrant said it was the most significant day of his life. For us to view and share some of the excitement of these new citizens was an extraordinarily rewarding and emotional experience. After closing the ceremony, we walked down the center aisle congratulating the new citizens. One young man shared “Before I became a citizen, I saw myself as an outsider. Now I feel like a part of society. I have a voice.” Their feeling of pride was palpable.
A representative of the court thanked us and commented that our singing, which is not a usual part of the naturalization ceremony, added joy and significance to the proceedings.
The Sharim Singers are a group of TBE members who sing music from the 50s, 60s and 70s at senior living centers. New members are welcome. For information about the Sharim Singers, contact Peter Marx at pmarx@legalinsight.com.